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The surprising benefits of carbs in diabetes management

In the intricate puzzle of diabetes management, carbohydrates often face unwarranted scrutiny. Contrary to popular belief, not all carbs are foes in the fight against diabetes. In fact, certain carbohydrates, often labeled as “bad,” play a…

Running or walking which is more effective for weight loss

In the quest for effective weight loss strategies, a common dilemma often emerges: is running or walking more beneficial? To shed light on this topic, we consulted Rachel MacPherson, CPT, an ACE-certified personal trainer with Garage Gym…

Busting myths about fruit consumption for diabetics

In the realm of diabetes management, the classification of foods into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ categories has been a long-standing, yet misleading paradigm. Particularly in the case of fruit consumption, this dichotomous view has created…

The surprising benefits of barley for blood sugar control

Managing chronic diseases like high blood pressure or diabetes often involves strict dietary regulations, particularly concerning carbohydrate intake. A prevalent misconception is the need to avoid carbs entirely, especially for those with …